You know the drill:
The project you are working on takes on a life of its own and becomes the Time-Eating Monster From Hell! Meanwhile, your boss is waiting - and you know patience isn't his (or her) strong suit - and you know that feeling Large and In Charge when it comes to staring down your boss's expectations isn't your strong suit! You're stressed. And then your boss comes out and says, "Why is this taking so long???" At which point, you decide you either need a drink, a vacation, or a new job. I want to offer a fourth option: Get your management on! Tell your boss, calmly and the authority you have earned, exactly why it is that this seemingly "easy" task (grrrrr...) is not a simple task. Your willingness to stand there in your professionalism and authority, particularly when underpinned by your internal calm - born of your certainty that you have the right, the responsibility, and the adulthood for God's sake!, to claim the respect you deserve - is a powerful, powerful thing. That stuff can stop traffic! I'm telling you! It's akin to standing up to a bully, which I did once at a company I worked for in my late 20's. This woman ruled the roost, and she would take things off your desk and hide them, just to get you into trouble. I stood up to her one day and said a (very emotional), "NO!" to something she was telling me to do, and never again did she trouble me! I am not recommending that you give your boss an emotional firestorm. What I am referring to here is a spiritual principle which is actually a principle of energy: The higher energy wins. How do you access this higher energy of yours? Here's a formula you can contemplate and adopt in your own unique way. 1. See Yourself As Important (You're not, not, not "just" an Admin. You're not "just" anything!) 2. Feel Justified in Expecting Respect from Others (It's kind of a Jimmy Stewart thing, right?; that quiet certainty that you should get treated with respect as a human being.) 3. Present Yourself As the Adult Professional You Are (It's too easy to feel infantilized in the workplace; don't buy into it! 4. Watch New Empowered Behaviors, Choices and Attitudes Emerge You got this! ******************************************************** Interested in webinars and workshops about standing in your power in your work and your life? Contact Lori at [email protected] to be placed on the mailing list for notification! You can also contact Lori for individual self-empowerment coaching!
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About MeLori Kirstein, The Project Cheetah, started life as an Admin. She is now a Virtual Assistant and Personal/Professional Empowerment Coach. ArchivesCategories